Autumn Term 1


Welby welcomes you to Autumn Term 1 and the first block of 6 weeks of daily activities! 

During this half term, we aim to build introductory knowledge and skills within the 5 WELBY elements as noted below. 

Topics include: 

  • Wellness: Learning about how to keep our mind healthy
  • Emotions: Recognising and labelling our emotions
  • Learn: What our amazing brain does
  • Bonding: Thinking about what we say and the way we say them, listening and conversational skills
  • You: Thinking about our likes and interests, our values and what we appreciate about ourselves

Within each week, you will find 'Stage 0' (suggested for Reception), ‘Stage 1’ (suggested for Y1 / Y2), 'Stage 2’ (suggested for Y3 / Y4) and 'Stage 3' (suggested for Y5 / Y6) presentations, as well as worksheets that can be used individually, in small groups or as an extension to the class activities. 

Please note, the following half term of activities will be unlocked during the final week of the previous half term.