Week 2 (Spring Term 1)

Hello again! This week we will look at:
- Wellness: different ways we care for our body
- Emotions: The Hive Hotel - steady emotions
- Learn: introducing Growth and Fixed Mindsets
- Bonding: the qualities and strengths of your friends
- You: our outer circle
Remember that Stage 0 activities are suggested for children in Reception, Stage 1 for children in Y1 and Y2, Stage 2 for children in Y3 and Y4 and Stage 3 for children in Y5 and Y6. However, please feel free to decide which stage feels right for your class, regardless of year group.
The downloadable worksheets are additional and optional resources that can be used in targeted interventions with individual children and small groups of children who have been identified as likely to benefit from additional support. Teachers may also choose to use the worksheets as whole class extension activities. Please see the Welby Wellbeing Screener for further information.
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