Our Story

Welby Education has been developed by two Specialist Senior Educational Psychologists, Dr Laura Carr and Dr Lisa Garforth. Having met during their Doctoral training programme, and subsequently working alongside each other as Educational Psychologists for a Local Authority, Laura and Lisa became firm friends. 

The initial idea for Welby Education arose during the school closures arising from the COVID-19 pandemic when Laura and Lisa were conscious of supporting their own children’s mental health. With five children at home between them, Laura and Lisa took to messaging each other suggestions for activities and games that might appeal. Over many cups of tea, the idea of creating a more structured programme for schools to promote wellbeing was established. 

On both a personal and professional level, Laura and Lisa have a keen interest in attachment theory and trauma-informed practices. They are committed to helping school communities to strengthen relationships in order to promote emotional wellbeing and resilience.